SelClene stands for ‘Selected Cleaners’. Founded in 1987, in Maida Vale London, SelClene now has over
10,000 private domestic householder clients. We are a franchisee of SelClene based in Ayr, covering Ayrshire, South Glasgow,
North Edinburgh and West Lothian. To find more visit
How does SelClene work?
We select a cleaner for you from our database of cleaners. We will provide you with your very own
domestic cleaner on a weekly or more frequent basis, replace them if they are ill, on holiday, leave your employment, or should
you wish to change them.
What background checks are done on the cleaner? Every cleaner comes with references from former employers, which we check. You get a copy of these. We
also accumulate additional references from their existing SelClene clients once they have been with us a while. Regular service
calls and client surveys ensure we obtain plenty of additional references on a cleaner from their existing or former SelClene
agency clients. We check proof of identity by requiring a passport, birth certificate or some other form of ID, so we know
they are who they say they are. We also require proof of address, such as a gas bill or telephone bill, so we know they do
live at the address they give us.
What training do you give your cleaners? We put all the cleaners through a basic course stressing the importance of Honesty (e.g. when completing their
time sheets) and Reliability (e.g. turning up on time and not letting you down). We also train in colour coding & hygiene
- this is where we encourage the use of different colour cloths (which we supply to you free) to differentiate between toilet
areas and kitchen / food preparation areas. Once you take a cleaner on, however, they become your direct employee. You will
need to train them in the use of your own equipment (e.g. emptying the vacuum cleaner) and make sure they are familiar with
your particular requirements. We provide a Task Sheet for this purpose.
How soon can my cleaner
If you wish to take on a cleaner, give us a call on 01292 443777, or fill in our enquiry form with your requirements and we will call you back. We match your requirements to our comprehensive list of reliable and professional
cleaners. We're then able to find the best cleaner for you, when you need them, often as soon as the next day.
What do I do if the cleaner doesn't turn up? You’ve probably employed domestic staff before and may have found that sometimes a cleaner does not turn
up or that the relationship between you and the cleaner doesn't work out. With our agency, you simply call us and we can
send you another cleaner within days. You provide all cleaning materials and equipment, pay the cleaner directly and pay the
Agency quarterly (all included in the quoted hourly rate). We insure your cleaner for liability risks and ring-fence you from
any requirement to assess your cleaner for tax/NI; we do this for you.
What happens if cleans
are missed? If you miss any cleaning, say due to changeovers, or on account of the cleaner being ill, you can claim a No Charge
Period for time missed. We provide you with Worker Earnings Receipts to log hours worked and money paid to your cleaner. If
there are gaps, send us the receipts and we’ll adjust your account to reflect any time missed. Plus we can allocate
you a cover cleaner if you require whilst your cleaner is away.
Is there insurance cover should
damage done by the cleaner? Yes, there is cover for major damage over the value of £100 (e.g. damage to a carpet or a valuable ornament).
You are responsible for the first £100 of any claim. Bleach spills are not covered and you should discourage your cleaner
from using bleach, especially in carpeted areas. There is no cover for any work the cleaner may do outside the home –
only for cleaning and ironing work IN your home.
What do I do if I need to cancel? Your contract continues up to the end of each quarterly payment period - so the minimum term is one quarter. If
you wish to cancel your contract with us you can do so at any time but you must do so in writing, giving us one month's
notice, to take effect at the end of a quarterly payment period. You must cancel your mandate direct with your own bank at
the same time.
How do I contact you to get started? You can either complete our
enquiry form or simply call the office on 01292 443777.